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Conferências / Keynote Talks

Marcia Nascimento Kaingang – Estudo de rastreamento ocular de evidenciais em Kaingang

Será apresentado um estudo de rastreamento ocular de evidenciais em Kaingang(Tronco Macro Jê, família Jê). Esta língua possui um sistema de evidencialidade com sete categorias distintas que indicam fonte de informação e, basicamente, organiza as categorias contrapondo informações do tipo “primeira mão”versus “ouvir dizer” (NASCIMENTO, 2013, 2017). Utilizando técnicas da psicolinguística experimental, verificamos em falantes adultos, os processos de compreensão dos evidenciais que se opõem quanto à fonte de informação, a saber, o evidencial direto mỹr, que indica informação visual e o indireto je, que indica informação reportada. Aplicamos um experimento de rastreamento ocular, com tarefa do tipo “sentence/picture matching” aferindo os mesmos evidenciais, com o objetivo de verificar se esses evidenciais são reais psicologicamente em uma tarefa on-line. Esse estudo mostrou que existe uma relação direta dos evidenciais presentes em inputs auditivos e os elementos que indicam a fonte de informação em imagens visualizadas. Os resultados obtidos apoiam nossas hipóteses e fornecem pistas importantes sobre as características desses morfemas e sobre a forma como atuam no processamento.

Aronaldo Julio Terena – As marcas de (in)defnitude numa língua de argumentos nominais nus: terena (aruaque)

Ana Müller (with M. Donazzan) – Cross-linguistic variation in time reference: the case of temporal clauses.

Not all languages express time reference through their inflexional morfology. It is thus important to think of time reference and tense as separate concepts (Thonhauser 2015). There are languages like English and Japanese that inflect their matrix and (most of) their subordinate clauses for tense (Kubota et al 2009). There are languages like Karitiana that inflect (some of) their matrix clauses for tense, but not their subordinates (Storto 2013). Finally, there are languages like Mandarin that do not grammaticalize tense at all (Sun & Dermidache 2022). This talk contributes to the inquiry on the grammatical strategies deployed by natural languages to express temporal reference and event ordering. More specifically, it focuses on temporal adverbial clauses (TACs). We argue that, across languages, temporal ordering is obtained by combining a limited number set of ingredients, which languages distribute differently across functional categories. These ingredients include tense, aspect and temporal connectives. We support our argument by looking at TACs in Karitiana, an indigenous language spoken in N-W Brazil, which has the particularity of expressing precedence and subsequence without the help of temporal connectives.

Veneeta Dayal – On the status of so-called optional plural markers

This talk looks at languages in which the base form allows for reference to singular as well as plural individuals and considers the status of so-called optional plural markers in such languages. Drawing on Cuzco Quechua it argues that the morpheme -kuna (classified as an optional plural marker by Faller 2009) is better analyzed as encoding a presupposition of sortability. This proposal explains various facts that the label of optional plurality fails to explain. In the second part of the talk I consider the relevance of the sortability hypothesis to other languages which have been claimed to have optional pluralization strategies.

Luiz Fernando Ferreira – Contributions of formal semantics and pragmatics to basic education

This talk discusses different ways in which formal semantics and pragmatics can contribute to education at the elementary and high school levels. In Brazil, most of the discussions and analysis employed at schools come either from traditional grammars or textual linguistics. Therefore, linguistic analysis is done either without following a scientific criterion, in the case of traditional grammar, or conditioned to a textual analysis, in the case of textual linguistics. However, the rigorous methodological procedure adopted in formal analysis which can be easily adapted for the classroom and constitutes a great way to introduce students to scientific reasoning (Müller, 2009; Pires de Oliveira; Quarezemin, 2016). In this approach, the students’ competence to assess the grammaticality of a sentence is an essential tool in the classroom (see Vicente; Pilati, 2012). This talk will focus specifically on proposals from formal semantics and pragmatics showing how they can contribute to activities in basic education.. For instance, the Fregean concepts of sense and reference can be adapted to teach cohesion (Ferreira; Barcellos, 2020); the Stalnaker concept of Common Ground (Ferreira; Shimoda, 2020) and the semantic of questions (Rosa-Silva; Ferreira, 2024) are a great way to work with coherence and textual progression; truth conditions and paraphrasis are great tools to work with semantic variation and change in the classroom (Ferreira; Barcellos; Souza, 2024) and teaching semantic differences in embedded environments (Ferreira; Silva, 2024). We illustrate how to implement these ideas using a material that teaches linguistics for high school students (Ferreira; Barcellos, 2023). Thus, we demonstrate that formal semantics’ and pragmatics’ contributions can be both theoretical and methodological since the students’ intuition about the semantics of a sentence is really effective to develop activities that are more comprehensible and intuitive to them.

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