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História / History

O primeiro encontro do SULA – Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas ocorreu em 2001.  Conheça as edições anteriores:

  • SULA 12 aconteceu na University of Ottawa em outubro de 2022 – Saiba mais.
  • SULA 11 aconteceu virtualmente no El Colegio de México em agosto de 2020.
  • SULA 10 aconteceu na University of Toronto em 2018.
  • SULA 9 aconteceu na University of California at Santa Cruz em 2016.
  • SULA 8 aconteceu na University of British Columbia em 2014.
  • SULA 7 aconteceu na Cornell University em 2012.
  • SULA 6 aconteceu na University of Manchester em 2011.
  • SULA 5 aconteceu em Harvard e MIT em 2009.
  • SULA 4 aconteceu na Universidade de São Paulo em 2007.
  • SULA 3 aconteceu na University at Buffalo em 2005.
  • SULA 2 aconteceu na University of British Columbia em 2003.
  • SULA 1 aconteceu na University of Massachusetts em Amherst em 2001.

Mais detalhes sobre o histórico do evento nesta página.

Previous editions:

  • SULA 12 was held at University of Ottawa in October 2022.
  • SULA 11 was held virtually at El Colegio de México in August 2020.
  • SULA 10 was held at the University of Toronto in 2018.
  • SULA 9 was held at the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2016.
  • SULA 8 was held at the University of British Columbia in 2014.
  • SULA 7 was held at Cornell University in 2012.
  • SULA 6 was held at the University of Manchester in 2011.
  • SULA 5 was held at Harvard and MIT in 2009.
  • SULA 4 was held at the University of São Paulo in 2007.
  • SULA 3 was held at the University at Buffalo in 2005.
  • SULA 2 was held at the University of British Columbia in 2003.
  • SULA 1 was held at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 2001.

For a more detailed overview of the history of SULA, please visit this page.

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